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LabComm is a one-way, self-describing, binary protocol intended for transmission of data samples.
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LabComm is a one-way, self-describing, binary protocol intended for transmission of data samples.
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LabComm is a one-way, self-describing, binary protocol intended for transmission of data samples.
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LabComm is a one-way, self-describing, binary protocol intended for transmission of data samples.
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The 27th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS2015)
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Clonde of https://github.com/ddreggors/centos7-gitlab.git with adaptions for fedora
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Software for processes used at Department of Automatic Control
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LabComm is a one-way, self-describing, binary protocol intended for transmission of data samples.
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Code from master thesis project by Sebastian Svensson and Dan Thilderkvist, 2015, at the Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, and Combine Control Systems AB, Lund, Sweden.
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Python programs to handle hostinfo files (local host management info)
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Traverse directory paths generating md5 hashes of all files and symlinks within those directories.
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System identification routines and algorithms, written in the Julia programming language