ABOUT The main purpose of the Schemacompiler is to automatically generate compiler front-ends for different XML dialects. Given an XML schema, the schemacompiler will generate an abstract grammar and some aspect code for JastAdd, as well as a JavaCC parser description. The generated compiler may then be extended with more aspects, and possibly new abstract grammar rules, to form a complete compiler. USAGE $ java GenCompiler [-d dir] [-o outfile] schema options: -d dir directory where generated files are put. Will be created if not already exists. Default is 'x3d'. -o outfile Name for generated grammar files. Default is 'x3d'. EXAMPLE $ ant $ java GenCompiler examples/x3d-3.0.xsd $ cd x3d $ ant Will generate a compiler for x3d in the x3d subdirectory. This generated front-end together with some cupplied code is then built to form a compiler for x3d models. NOTE! The supplied code in OBB.java and BoundingBox.jrag depends on the jme package from http://www.jmonkeyengine.com/ There are two main programs supplied: $ java PrettyPrint ../examples/workpiece.x3d will just print out an x3d representation. $ java OBB ../examples/workpiece.x3d will compute bounding boxes (both AABB and OBB) and print out the characteristics. AUTHOR Anders Nilsson <anders.nilsson@cs.lth.se>