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Commit 9d8fbc49 authored by Carolina Bergeling's avatar Carolina Bergeling
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% Comparison optimal gamma
%1. CARE in matlab
%3. Closed-form method
clear all;
close all;
refine = 0;
prtlevel = 0;
deltas = [0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05];
deltas = [0.18 0.13 0.11];
for ii = 1:3
% actuator half width
ep = 0.5;
% actuator location
al = [2 2]; % center
% disturbance location
dl = [1 1.3];
epd = 0.1;
% mesh size
delta = deltas(ii); % change this to change the order of the problem
% Debug level 0 - no messages
debuglevel = 0;
% Building the approximation.
[triangles, coordinates] = mymeshdata(delta, prtlevel);
%[E, A, B,~,~] = heat_2d_original_var2(refine, coordinates, triangles, al, ep, al, delta, 1e-12, prtlevel);
%[~, ~, H,~,~] = heat_2d_original_var2(refine, coordinates, triangles, dl, epd, dl, delta, 1e-12, prtlevel);
r = al;
s = [1 1];
nu = 0.25;
d =1;
[E, A, B,C,H] = heat_2d_original_var2C(refine, coordinates, triangles, r,s,dl,ep,nu,epd, delta, 1e-12, prtlevel);
% Generalized form matrices
% Edot{z} = Az+Bu+Hv
% zeta = Cz+Du
% y = z
[n,~] = size(A);
[~ , m] = size(B);
[~,q] = size(H);
[k,~] = size(C);
L = chol(E);
A = inv(L')*A*inv(L);
B = inv(L')*B;
H = inv(L')*H;
H = eye(n,n);
[~,q] = size(H);
C = C*inv(L);
C2 = [eye(n,n); zeros(m,n)];
D = [zeros(n,m); eye(m,m)];
G = ss(A,[H zeros(n,k) B],[C2; C], [[zeros(n+m,q+k); zeros(k,q) eye(k,k)] [D;zeros(k,m)]]);
% Save system size to "order" vector
order(ii) = n;
% Algorithm 3: Closed-form solution
a = 1.1;
ainv = inv(a);
gc = @(a)sqrt(norm(H'*inv(A*a)^2*H,2))
gsf = @(a)sqrt(norm(H'*inv(A^2+B*B'-(1-a)^2*A^2)*H,2))
gse = @(a)sqrt(norm(H'*inv(A^2+C'*C-(1-a)^2*A^2)*H,2))
g = max(gc(a),gsf(a));
g = max(g,gse(a));
gap = min(g-gsf(1),g-gse(1));
optimality(ii,:) = [g gap];
g = 1.1*g;
g2inv = 1/g^2;
A_K = A-ainv*g2inv*inv(A)+ainv*B*B'*inv(A)+ainv*inv(eye(n)-1/(g*a)^2*inv(A)^2)*inv(A)*C'*C;
B_K = -ainv*inv(eye(n)-1/(g*a)^2*inv(A)^2)*inv(A)*C';
C_K = ainv*B'*inv(A);
D_K = zeros(m,k);
K = ss(A_K,B_K,C_K,D_K);
timeCF(ii) = toc;
%cl = lft(G,K);
%clall(ii) = cl;
% Algorithm 1: Schur Method (through MATLABs CARE)
% Tolerance in the optimal gamma.
gamtol = 1.1*gap;
% Starting values for largest and smallest value of gamma.
% How to choose these?
gmax = 10; % H2 solution?
gmin = 0; % 0?
[K,closed,gfin] = hinfsyn(pck(G.a,G.b,G.c,G.d),k,m,gmin,gmax,gamtol)
timeSchur(ii) = toc;
hold on
xlabel('problem order')
ylabel('comp. time')
legend('Schur','Closed-form','Location', 'SouthEast')
function [M,N,B,C,D,status,triangles,coordinates] = heat_2d_original_var2C(refine, coordinates, triangles, r,s,dl,ep,nu,epd, delta,mytol,prtlevel)
%% [M,N] = myheat(r,s,ep,nu,delta)
% Written by Dhanaraja Kasinathan and Kirsten A Morris, 2014. Altered by
% Carolina Bergeling 2019.
% The following (MATLAB) files are mandatory:
% distmesh(directory): Mesh generator could be downloaded
% from
% Path of this directory needs
% to be added using addpath command
% distmesh2d.m: Generates the mesh. (present inside
% distmesh(directory))
% fixmesh.m: Fix for removing the redundant coordinates. (present inside
% distmesh(directory)).
% stima3.m: Computes the element stiffness matrix for each
% triangle.
%mycharacteristic.m: Performs double integration (quad twice) over the triangle that
% partially overlaps the square (actuator/sensor).
%etaj.m: returns the function that needs to be integrated
% over the square patch. This is used only when the
% actuator/sensor is completely sitting inside one
% triangle.
%overlap.m: Finds the triangles that intersect with the given
% square
%myverifyb.m: Calculates the error between the [b]_j and the
% b(x,y) on each triangle.
%show.m: Plots the given value on the triangular mesh.(optional)
%FEM2D_HEAT sets up the state-space matrices for the PDE described
% d/dt z = div(grad(z)) + b(x,y) f in Omega
% z = 0 on the Dirichlet boundary
% z(x,y,0) = z_0 in Omega
% y = int_omega c(x,y)z d(x,y) (Integrating u over omega)
%on the geometry as described below, where ,with XI denoting the indicator function
%b(x,y) = 1/(2*ep) * XI_B(r,ep)(x,y) ;
%c(x,y) = 1/(2*nu) * XI_B(s,nu)(x,y) ;
%where B(r,ep) is the square with each side of width 2*ep centered at r
% The input arguments are the following
% r: 1 X 2 row vector,the 2D coordinates of the position of actuator r =
% [rx,ry]. Must be within the Geometry
% s: 1 X 2 row vector,the 2D coordinates of the position of sensor s =
% [sx,sy]. Must be within the Geometry
% ep: half width of the actuator( a square patch with each side of width '2*ep'
% centered at 'r'.)
% nu: half width of the sensor ( a square patch with each side of width '2*nu'
% centered at 's'.)
% delta: positive scalar, mesh size.
% prtlevel (default 0, no display messages), 1-debug messages.
% The output arguments are the corresponding system matrices
% such that the system above could be represented in the state-space form
% as follows
% M d/dt z = K z + F u
% y = C z
% M : Mass matrix.
% N : Stiffness matrix.
% F : Load matrix.
% C: Output operator (= C(sx,sy)) = {1/(2*nu), |x-sx| < nu & |y-sy| < nu; 0, otherwise}
% Cfull: Output operator with penaly on all states. (C = I, that is y=z(x,y,t))
% Using this representation, the standard system matrices can be derived
% as follows,
% A = M\ N: 2D laplacian operator
% B = M\ F: Input operator (= B(rx,ry)) = {1/(2*ep), |x-rx| < ep & |y-ry| < ep; 0, otherwise}
% Example (usage):
% [M,N,F,C,Cfull] = myheat([2,2],[2,2],0.2,0.2,0.1)
% Geometry :
% A Square of side 4, with main diagonal from (0,0) to (4,4).
% A circle of radius of 0.4 centered at (3,1) is cut out.
% A mesh is generated with the width of each edge being "delta" given by
% the user.
% Book keeping : To remove warnings from delayunayn and quad.
s1 = warning('off','MATLAB:delaunayn:DuplicateDataPoints');
s2 = warning('off','MATLAB:quad:MinStepSize');
s3 = warning('off','MATLAB:quad:ImproperFcnValue');
% Setting the accuracy of the integration
% mytol=1e-12;
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% % 'distmesh' is used to generate the required geometry
% % Geometry : A square with a hole
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% % Square coordinates and circle's centre and radii needs to be changed here
% fd=inline('ddiff(drectangle(p,0,4,0,4),dcircle(p,3,1,0.4))','p');
% box=[0,0;4,4];
% fix = [0,0;0,4;4,0;4,4];
% if (prtlevel > 0) disp('Start the mesh generator...'); end;
% tic;
% [coordinates,triangles]=distmesh2d(fd,@huniform,delta,box,fix);
% tmesh = toc;
% [coordinates,triangles] = fixmesh(coordinates,triangles); % Need this to remove the redundant coordinate.
% if (prtlevel > 0) str = sprintf('myheat_refined ::Finished Meshing in %1.2e refining ...',tmesh); disp(str); end;
% % Retrieving the coordinates of the actuator and sensor
% rx=r(1,1);ry=r(1,2);sx=s(1,1);sy=s(1,2);
% % Retrieving the endpoints of the square patch for actuator and sensor.
% actleft = rx - ep; actright = rx+ ep; actbottom = ry - ep; acttop = ry + ep;
% senleft = sx - nu; senright = sx+ nu; senbottom = sy - nu; sentop = sy + nu;
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %Plotting the actuator and sensor on top of the generated mesh.
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% if (prtlevel > 0)
% hold on, text('Position',r,'String','A','Fontsize',12,'FontWeight','bold'), text('Position',s,'String','S','Fontsize',12,'FontWeight','bold'),
% plot([rx-ep rx-ep rx+ep rx+ep rx-ep],[ry-ep ry+ep ry+ep ry-ep ry-ep],'b','linewidth',2),
% plot([sx-nu sx-nu sx+nu sx+nu sx-nu],[sy-nu sy+nu sy+nu sy-nu sy-nu],'m','linewidth',2), hold off
% end
%Removing the roundoff-error (zero-correction) generated by the mesh on the grid points
% for i=1:size(coordinates,1)
% if (abs(coordinates(i,1)) < 1e-8)
% coordinates(i,1) = 0;
% end
% if (abs(coordinates(i,2)) < 1e-8)
% coordinates(i,2) = 0;
% end
% if (abs(coordinates(i,1)-4) < 1e-8)
% coordinates(i,1) = 4;
% end
% if (abs(coordinates(i,2)-4) < 1e-8)
% coordinates(i,2) = 4;
% end
% end
% Refining the mesh on all triangles that lie in and around the actuator.
if (refine == 1)
% Meshing thrice with delta/4 had a better value of error as delta goes
% to zero.
for i=1:2
tri = overlaptriwin(coordinates,triangles,r,ep+delta/4); % Finds the triangles that overlaps the square actuator.
[coordinates,triangles] = myrefine(coordinates,triangles,tri); % Refines those triangles.
%for i=1:2
% tri = overlaptriwin(coordinates,triangles,d,ep+delta/4); % Finds the triangles that overlaps the square actuator.
% [coordinates,triangles] = myrefine(coordinates,triangles,tri); % Refines those triangles.
%Finding the boundary of the geometry described above. This includes the
%edges along the cut-out circle as well. Dirichlet condition needs to be
%applied on this boundary.
dirichlet = boundedges(coordinates,triangles);
if (any(size(r) ~= [1,2])) || (any(r) > 4) || (any(r) < 0)
error('Invalid input arguments. see help fem2d_heat');
if ((r(1,1)-3)^2+(r(1,2)-1)^2 < 0.4+ep)
%warning('myheatrefineddata :: Actuator location is not inside the geometry.');
status = 0; M = []; N = []; B = []; D = []; C = [];
status = 1;
% Finding the triangles that partially overlap('actpartial') or completely
% inside ('acttriinsquare') the square. If the mesh size is coarse, then the
% last parameter('actsquareintri') provides the triangle in which the actuator/sensor is present.
% Actuator
%[actpartial,acttriinsquare,actsquareintri] = overlap(coordinates,triangles,r,ep);
% Sensor
%[senpartial,sentriinsquare,sensquareintri] = overlap(coordinates,triangles,s,nu);
% Initialising the global stiffness matrix K, mass matrix M, force matrix F,
% Output matrix C
N = zeros(size(coordinates,1));
M = zeros(size(coordinates,1));
B = zeros(size(coordinates,1),1);
D = zeros(size(coordinates,1),1);
C = zeros(1,size(coordinates,1));
if (prtlevel > 0) disp('myheatrefineddata :: Finished refining. Building matrices ...'); end;
% Assembling the global stiffness matrix K with variable diffusion (stima3var routine does this) and
% mass matrix M (this is a direct formula)
for j = 1:size(triangles,1)
N(triangles(j,:),triangles(j,:)) = N(triangles(j,:),triangles(j,:)) ...
+ stima3var_different(coordinates(triangles(j,:),:)); % to account for dx^2dy^2
M(triangles(j,:),triangles(j,:)) = M(triangles(j,:),triangles(j,:)) ...
+ det([1,1,1;coordinates(triangles(j,:),:)'])*[2,1,1;1,2,1;1,1,2]/24;
valb = mycharacteristic(coordinates(triangles(j,:),:),r,ep,mytol);
B(triangles(j,1),1) = B(triangles(j,1),1) + valb(1);
B(triangles(j,2),1) = B(triangles(j,2),1) + valb(2);
B(triangles(j,3),1) = B(triangles(j,3),1) + valb(3);
vald = mycharacteristic(coordinates(triangles(j,:),:),dl,epd,mytol);
D(triangles(j,1),1) = D(triangles(j,1),1) + vald(1);
D(triangles(j,2),1) = D(triangles(j,2),1) + vald(2);
D(triangles(j,3),1) = D(triangles(j,3),1) + vald(3);
val = mycharacteristic(coordinates(triangles(j,:),:),s,nu,mytol);
C(1,triangles(j,1)) = C(1,triangles(j,1)) + val(1);
C(1,triangles(j,2)) = C(1,triangles(j,2)) + val(2);
C(1,triangles(j,3)) = C(1,triangles(j,3)) + val(3);
% Assembling the force matrix on triangles that lie partially inside the
% actuator and partially outside the actuator. This is done by the function
% 'mycharacteristic'. For every triangle that lie partially on the boundary
% I am calling this function with corresponding vertices, center and the half-width of the actuator.
% for t=1:size(actpartial,1)
% val = mycharacteristic(coordinates(triangles(actpartial(t,1),:),:),r,ep,mytol);
% F(triangles(actpartial(t,1),1),1) = F(triangles(actpartial(t,1),1),1) + val(1);
% F(triangles(actpartial(t,1),2),1) = F(triangles(actpartial(t,1),2),1) + val(2);
% F(triangles(actpartial(t,1),3),1) = F(triangles(actpartial(t,1),3),1) + val(3);
% end
% Assembling the force matrix on triangles that lie completely inside the
% actuator: The value for this is a direct formula = 1/(2*ep) * Je * (1/6).
% for t=1:size(acttriinsquare,1)
% Je = abs(det([1 1 1;coordinates(triangles(acttriinsquare(t,1),:),:)']))/(12*ep);
% F(triangles(acttriinsquare(t,1),1),1) = F(triangles(acttriinsquare(t,1),1),1) + Je;
% F(triangles(acttriinsquare(t,1),2),1) = F(triangles(acttriinsquare(t,1),2),1) + Je;
% F(triangles(acttriinsquare(t,1),3),1) = F(triangles(acttriinsquare(t,1),3),1) + Je;
% end
% If the actuator is very small when compared to the mesh size then it may
% lie completely inside one triangle. Assmebling the force matrix for that
% triangle. Limits of integration are the end points of the square.
% if (size(actsquareintri,1) > 0)
% F(triangles(actsquareintri,1),1) = F(triangles(actsquareintri,1),1) + dblquad('etaj',actbottom,acttop,actleft,actright,1e-12,[],coordinates(triangles(actsquareintri,:),:),ep,1);
% F(triangles(actsquareintri,2),1) = F(triangles(actsquareintri,2),1) + dblquad('etaj',actbottom,acttop,actleft,actright,1e-12,[],coordinates(triangles(actsquareintri,:),:),ep,2);
% F(triangles(actsquareintri,3),1) = F(triangles(actsquareintri,3),1) + dblquad('etaj',actbottom,acttop,actleft,actright,1e-12,[],coordinates(triangles(actsquareintri,:),:),ep,3);
% end
% Assembling the output matrix on triangles that lie partially inside the
% sensor and partially outside the sensor. This is done by the function
% 'mycharacteristic'. For every triangle that lie partially on the boundary
% I am calling this function with corresponding vertices, center
% and half-width of the sensor
% for t=1:size(senpartial,1)
% val = mycharacteristic(coordinates(triangles(senpartial(t,1),:),:),s,nu,mytol);
% C(1,triangles(senpartial(t,1),1)) = C(1,triangles(senpartial(t,1),1)) + val(1);
% C(1,triangles(senpartial(t,1),2)) = C(1,triangles(senpartial(t,1),2)) + val(2);
% C(1,triangles(senpartial(t,1),3)) = C(1,triangles(senpartial(t,1),3)) + val(3);
% end
% Assembling the force matrix on triangles that lie completely inside the
% sensor. The value for this is a direct formula = 1/(2*nu) * Je * (1/6).
% for t=1:size(sentriinsquare,1)
% Je = abs(det([1 1 1;coordinates(triangles(sentriinsquare(t,1),:),:)']))/(12*nu);
% C(1,triangles(sentriinsquare(t,1),1)) = C(1,triangles(sentriinsquare(t,1),1)) + Je;
% C(1,triangles(sentriinsquare(t,1),2)) = C(1,triangles(sentriinsquare(t,1),2)) + Je;
% C(1,triangles(sentriinsquare(t,1),3)) = C(1,triangles(sentriinsquare(t,1),3)) + Je;
% end
% If the sensor is very small when compared to the mesh size then it may
% lie completely inside only one triangle. Assmebling the force matrix for that
% triangle. Limits of integration are the end points of the square.
% if (size(sensquareintri,1) > 0)
% C(1,triangles(sensquareintri,1)) = C(1,triangles(sensquareintri,1)) + dblquad('etaj',senbottom,sentop,senleft,senright,1e-12,[],coordinates(triangles(sensquareintri,:),:),nu,1);
% C(1,triangles(sensquareintri,2)) = C(1,triangles(sensquareintri,2)) + dblquad('etaj',senbottom,sentop,senleft,senright,1e-12,[],coordinates(triangles(sensquareintri,:),:),nu,2);
% C(1,triangles(sensquareintri,3)) = C(1,triangles(sensquareintri,3)) + dblquad('etaj',senbottom,sentop,senleft,senright,1e-12,[],coordinates(triangles(sensquareintri,:),:),nu,3);
% end
%Error-Check: If all entries of F( or C) are zeroes, then the actuator( or
%sensor) is not within the geometry.
if (any(B) == 0)
warning('myheatdata :: Actuator location is not inside the geometry.');
status = 0;
status = 1;
%Incorporating the Dirichlet boundary condition in the global stiffness
N(unique(dirichlet),:) = zeros(size(unique(dirichlet),1),size(coordinates,1));
N(:,unique(dirichlet)) = zeros(size(coordinates,1),size(unique(dirichlet),1));
N(unique(dirichlet),unique(dirichlet)) = eye(size(unique(dirichlet),1));
N=-N; %Negative sign appears while multiplying the laplacian operator with test functions and integrating by parts.
tbuild = toc;
if (prtlevel > 0) str = sprintf('myheatdata :: ..Done in %1.2e. System order-%d.',tbuild,size(N,2));disp(str); end;
%Computing A = M\K , B = M\F
% A = M\N;
% Btilde = M\B;
% Dtilde = M\D;
% d = sort(eig(A));
% figure, plot(real(d),imag(d),'*');
%Plotting theoretical value of B on the triangles
% figure,
% show(triangles,[],coordinates,Btilde);
% figure,
% show(triangles,[],coordinates,Dtilde);
%disp('Computing error...');
%Computing the error in B :
% acterror = 0;
% for i=1:size(triangles,1)
% acterror = acterror + myverifyb(coordinates(triangles(i,:),:),B(triangles(i,:),:),r,ep,mytol);
% end
% acterror
function [triangles,coordinates] = mymeshdata(delta,prtlevel)
%% [M,N] = mymeshdata(delta,prtlevel)
% Written by Dhanaraja Kasinathan and Kirsten A Morris, 2014. Altered by
% Carolina Bergeling 2019.
% Generates the mesh for the base mesh size.
% Populates the coordinates of the points and the nodes in each element.
% The following (MATLAB) files are mandatory:
% distmesh(directory): Mesh generator could be downloaded
% from
% Path of this directory needs
% to be added using addpath command
% distmesh2d.m: Generates the mesh. (present inside
% distmesh(directory))
% fixmesh.m: Fix for removing the redundant coordinates. (present inside
% distmesh(directory)).
% stima3.m: Computes the element stiffness matrix for each
% triangle.
%mycharacteristic.m: Performs double integration (quad twice) over the triangle that
% partially overlaps the square (actuator/sensor).
%etaj.m: returns the function that needs to be integrated
% over the square patch. This is used only when the
% actuator/sensor is completely sitting inside one
% triangle.
%overlap.m: Finds the triangles that intersect with the given
% square
%myverifyb.m: Calculates the error between the [b]_j and the
% b(x,y) on each triangle.
%show.m: Plots the given value on the triangular mesh.(optional)
%FEM2D_HEAT sets up the state-space matrices for the PDE described
% d/dt z = div(grad(z)) + b(x,y) f in Omega
% z = 0 on the Dirichlet boundary
% z(x,y,0) = z_0 in Omega
% y = int_omega c(x,y)z d(x,y) (Integrating u over omega)
%on the geometry as described below, where ,with XI denoting the indicator function
%b(x,y) = 1/(2*ep) * XI_B(r,ep)(x,y) ;
%c(x,y) = 1/(2*nu) * XI_B(s,nu)(x,y) ;
%where B(r,ep) is the square with each side of width 2*ep centered at r
% The input arguments are the following
% r: 1 X 2 row vector,the 2D coordinates of the position of actuator r =
% [rx,ry]. Must be within the Geometry
% s: 1 X 2 row vector,the 2D coordinates of the position of sensor s =
% [sx,sy]. Must be within the Geometry
% ep: half width of the actuator( a square patch with each side of width '2*ep'
% centered at 'r'.)
% nu: half width of the sensor ( a square patch with each side of width '2*nu'
% centered at 's'.)
% delta: positive scalar, mesh size.
% prtlevel (default 0, no display messages), 1-debug messages.
% The output arguments are the corresponding system matrices
% such that the system above could be represented in the state-space form
% as follows
% M d/dt z = K z + F u
% y = C z
% M : Mass matrix.
% N : Stiffness matrix.
% F : Load matrix.
% C: Output operator (= C(sx,sy)) = {1/(2*nu), |x-sx| < nu & |y-sy| < nu; 0, otherwise}
% Cfull: Output operator with penaly on all states. (C = I, that is y=z(x,y,t))
% Using this representation, the standard system matrices can be derived
% as follows,
% A = M\ N: 2D laplacian operator
% B = M\ F: Input operator (= B(rx,ry)) = {1/(2*ep), |x-rx| < ep & |y-ry| < ep; 0, otherwise}
% Example (usage):
% [M,N,F,C,Cfull] = myheat([2,2],[2,2],0.2,0.2,0.1)
% Geometry :
% A Square of side 4, with main diagonal from (0,0) to (4,4).
% A circle of radius of 0.4 centered at (3,1) is cut out.
% A mesh is generated with the width of each edge being "delta" given by
% the user.
% Book keeping : To remove warnings from delayunayn and quad.
s1 = warning('off','MATLAB:delaunayn:DuplicateDataPoints');
s2 = warning('off','MATLAB:quad:MinStepSize');
% Setting the accuracy of the integration
% mytol=1e-12;
% 'distmesh' is used to generate the required geometry
% Geometry : A square with a hole
% Square coordinates and circle's centre and radii needs to be changed here
fix = [0,0;0,4;4,0;4,4];
if (prtlevel > 0) disp('mymeshdata :: Start the mesh generator...'); end;
tmesh = toc;
[coordinates,triangles] = fixmesh(coordinates,triangles); % Need this to remove the redundant coordinate.
if (prtlevel > 0) str = sprintf('mymeshdata ::Finished Meshing in %1.2e',tmesh); disp(str); end;
% % Retrieving the coordinates of the actuator and sensor
% rx=r(1,1);ry=r(1,2);sx=s(1,1);sy=s(1,2);
% % Retrieving the endpoints of the square patch for actuator and sensor.
% actleft = rx - ep; actright = rx+ ep; actbottom = ry - ep; acttop = ry + ep;
% senleft = sx - nu; senright = sx+ nu; senbottom = sy - nu; sentop = sy + nu;
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %Plotting the actuator and sensor on top of the generated mesh.
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% if (prtlevel > 0)
% hold on, text('Position',r,'String','A','Fontsize',12,'FontWeight','bold'), text('Position',s,'String','S','Fontsize',12,'FontWeight','bold'),
% plot([rx-ep rx-ep rx+ep rx+ep rx-ep],[ry-ep ry+ep ry+ep ry-ep ry-ep],'b','linewidth',2),
% plot([sx-nu sx-nu sx+nu sx+nu sx-nu],[sy-nu sy+nu sy+nu sy-nu sy-nu],'m','linewidth',2), hold off
% end
%Removing the roundoff-error (zero-correction) generated by the mesh on the grid points
for i=1:size(coordinates,1)
if (abs(coordinates(i,1)) < 1e-8)
coordinates(i,1) = 0;
if (abs(coordinates(i,2)) < 1e-8)
coordinates(i,2) = 0;
if (abs(coordinates(i,1)-4) < 1e-8)
coordinates(i,1) = 4;
if (abs(coordinates(i,2)-4) < 1e-8)
coordinates(i,2) = 4;
0% Loading or .
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