## Welcome to the repository!
Throughout the course we will build a corpus of algorithms and data structures.
You can find the Kattis course page here
| Date | Week n | Theme | Corpus
| 2023-10-19 | Week 1 | Introduction | -
| 2023-10-26 | Week 2 | Data Structures and Complexity | Prime Factorization and Union-Find
| 2023-11-09 | Week 3 | Graphs |
| 2023-11-16 | Week 4 | Dynamic Programming |
| 2023-11-23 | Week 5 | Fenwick and Segment Trees | Implement an easy to use 2-d segment tree
| 2023-11-30 | Week 6 | Geometry, Number Theory, and Probability |
| 2023-12-07 | Week 7 | Tries, Suffix Arrays, and Strings |
| 2024-02-08 | Week 11 | Combinatorial Game Theory (The Sprague–Grundy Theorem) |
| 2024-02-15 | Week 12 | The Traveling Salesman and Edmund's Blossom |
| 2024-02-22 | Week 13 | Last Session |